Open Access

Table 5

Coefficients of equation (22) for each region of overlap.

Subrange bi/ mK Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Region 4:

Sj 0 °C to
29.7646 °C
29.7646 °C to 156.5985 °C 156.5985 °C to 231.928 °C 231.928 °C to
419. 527 °C
(Al) b0 –4.164 68 –4.430 77 –0.934 52 3.377 42
b1 6.917 84 8.299 91 1.769 41 –6.105 44
b2 –2.753 04 –4.711 49 –0.674 06 3.453 39
b3 0 0.839 32 0 –0.618 36
(Zn) b0 –0.566 14 –1.155 97 –1.297 42 3.377 40
b1 0.566 16 1.686 86 2.058 38 –6.105 41
b2 0 –0.529 02 –0.725 37 3.453 38
b3 0 0 0 –0.618 35
(Sn) b0 –2.928 48 –2.777 35 –2.850 58
b1 4.425 24 4.305 89 4.312 60
b2 –1.496 71 –1.530 88 –1.482 78
(In) b0 –1.161 05 6.458 81
b1 1.424 13 –25.168 28
b2 –0.263 02 34.375 91
b3 0 –19.771 78
b4 0 4.116 23
(Ga) b0 –0.346 26
b1 0.112 58
b2 0.233 69
(Hg) b0 –43.638 23
b1 121.845 41
b2 –113.697 15
b3 35.489 70 ––

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