Issue |
Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng.
Volume 12, 2021
Article Number | 8 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 April 2021 |
Research Article
Evaluation of the measurement uncertainty of the stiffness modulus: test case of indirect tensile on cylindrical specimens
Faculty of Science Department of Physics Ibn Tofail University Kenitra, Morocco
Higher Normal School of Technical Education, Department of Mechanical Engineering − E.N.S.E.T. B.P. 6207 Rabat, Morocco
National Center for Studies and Road Research CNER/DRCR BP 6226, Rabat-Instituts Rabat, Morocco
* Corresponding author:
This study treats the measurement uncertainties that we can find in the stiffness modulus of the bituminous test. We present all the sensors installed on rigidity modulus measurement chains and also their uncertainty ranges. Several parameters influence the rigidity module's value, such as the parameters related to experimental conditions, and others are rather connected to the equipment's specification, which are the speed, the loading level, the temperature, the tested sample dimension, and the data acquisition, etc. All these factors have a great influence on the value of the modulus of rigidity. To qualify the uncertainty factors, we used two approaches: the first one is made by following the method described by the GUM (Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement), the second approach based on the numerical simulation of the Monte Carlo. The two results are then compared for an interval of confidence of 95%. The paper also shows the employment of the basic methods of statistical analysis, such as the Comparing of two variances. Essential concepts in measurement uncertainty have been compiled and the determination of the stiffness module parameters are discussed. It has been demonstrated that the biggest source of error in the stiffness modulus measuring process is the repeatability has a contribution of around 45.23%.
Key words: Stiffness modulus / uncertainty / propagation of variances / GUM / Monte-Carlo
© H. Mezouara et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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