Issue |
Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng.
Volume 3, Number 2, 2012
Page(s) | 117 - 123 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 November 2012 |
Least-squares fitting with errors in the response and predictor
1 Statistical Sciences, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, USA
2 Safeguards Science and Technology,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
3 Department of Physics, Alma
College, USA
⋆ Correspondence:
Least squares regression is commonly used in metrology for calibration and estimation. In
regression relating a response y to a predictor x, the
predictor x is often measured with error that is ignored in analysis.
Practitioners wondering how to proceed when x has non-negligible error
face a daunting literature, with a wide range of notation, assumptions, and approaches.
For the model ytrue = β0 + β1 xtrue,
we provide simple expressions for errors in predictors (EIP) estimators
for β0 and
for β1 and for an
approximation to covariance
). It is assumed that there are measured data
x = xtrue + ex,
y = ytrue + ey
with errors ex in x and
ey in y and the
variances of the errors ex and
ey are allowed to depend on
xtrue and ytrue, respectively.
This paper also investigates the accuracy of the estimated cov(
) and provides a numerical Bayesian alternative using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo, which is recommended particularly for small sample sizes where
the approximate expression is shown to have lower accuracy than desired.
Key words: Least square / regression / Bayesian estimation / errors
© EDP Sciences 2012
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