Open Access

Table 4

Literature survery in Radiology department

Author and Year Detail of work done Types of chart Variables Types of study Country
Waterhouse et al. [48] Provided guidance on how to tackle the situation when your data are incomplete and non-normal and provide recommendations on how to select a particular control chart for healthcare sector. The result showed that MEWMA and MCUSUM are more effective compared to the T2 chart as the MEWMA and MCUSUM are able to detect small to moderate shifts very quickly irrespective of correlated or uncorrelated data. It can be concluded that whenever there is need for quick detection of large shift, T2 is preferred. Multivariate chart (T2, MEWMA, MCUSUM) Dose area product, fluoroscopy time and Number of digital images Longitudinal  
Study Australia        
et al. [50]
Established the control limits for percentage gamma pass of patient specific intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) quality assurance (QA). The process capability index was used to evaluate the efficiency of process. The average percentage gamma pass was calculated to be 93.7% ± 3.7% for IMRT and 96.7% ± 2.2% for VMAT. The process capability index values for IMRT QA and VMAT QA was 1.60 and 1.99 respectively. It was found that there is lesser systematic errors in VMAT QA than IMRT QA because there was more complicated setup in case of IMRT QA. X bar chart Percentage gamma passes Retrospective Study Thailand
Mezzenga et al. [50] Examined the static and dynamic output of helical tomo therapy treatment system using SPC. The binding of acceptable range of daily output checks was given importance and recommendations were given for detailed investigation of daily output checks for Helical Tomo Therapy treatment system. X bar chart,
Moving range chart, EWMA
Static and dynamic output Retrospective Study Italy
Fuangrod et al. [51] Provided recommendation for quality evaluation of individual patient and identify the gap for continuous quality improvement. The process capability indices were evaluated for rectum and pelvis cancer treatments and found to less than one. The control limits were identified as 62.5 and 70.0% of the χ pass-rate for intensity-modulated radiotherapy and deliveries respectively. Moving range chart χ pass-rate Longitudinal  
Study Australia        
Lee et al. [52] Applied the SPC charts for head, neck, breast and prostate cases of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) or volumetric arc radiation therapy (VMAT). The number of patients data utilized for head, neck, prostate and breast were 73, 68, 49 and 152 respectively. Finally it was concluded that VMAT quality assurance has better process capability than IMRT. The authors suggested paying more attention for planning and quality assurance before breast radiotherapy treatment. XMR chart Number of patient Retrospective Study Korea

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