Issue |
Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng.
Volume 12, 2021
Article Number | 16 | |
Number of page(s) | 18 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 18 June 2021 |
Research Article
Metrological evaluation of efficiency and consumption of domestic gas cooking appliances
National Institute of Technology, Venezuela Avenue, 82, Centro,
20081-312 -
Rio de Janeiro,
Posgraduate Metrology Programme, Rio de Janeiro Catholic University, Marquês de São Vicente Street, 225,
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro −
Technology Management, PETROBRAS TRANSPORTE S.A.,
Rio de Janeiro −
* Corresponding author:
This study evaluates the results of efficiency and consumption tests on gas household appliances and their influence on the classification of the Brazilian Labeling Program. Historically, based on results in interlaboratory comparisons, there is a doubt concerning if the algorithms correct properly the differences among different altitudes. Data from efficiency and consumption tests were collected in two cities with different altitudes, and the proposed calculation methodology is compared with the traditional one. The results show that the arithmetic average, used in the calculation of the efficiency of the burners on the stove table, justifies being replaced by the weighted average, after evaluating the behaviour of the data and treating outliers. The uncertainty of the efficiency and consumption tests was not enough to change the classification range of the product's energy efficiency label. It is concluded that statistically a difference is observed between the results at sea level and at altitude above sea level; since the tests were applied by the same operator using the same apparatus, the only parameter that leaves a doubt is the algorithms for the correction of the altitude. Shortly, this study will be part of a revised Brazilian standard.
Key words: Altitude / Brazilian standard / consumption / measurement uncertainty / thermal efficiency / stoves
© R. Medeiros Moreira and E.C. de Oliveira, Published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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