Open Access
Table 3
Critical process parameters (CPPs) associated with the measurement system for biomedical application.
Coding | Critical process parameters (CPPs) |
CPP1 | Primary magnetic field frequency (kHz) |
CPP2 | Current intensity (solenoid excitation) (mA) |
CPP3 | Current intensity (circuit) (mA) |
CPP4 | Circuit supply voltage (V) |
CPP5 | Sensor sensitivity (mV / nT) |
CPP6 | Solenoid dimensions (N/L* ratio) (turns/m) |
CPP7 | GMI supply voltage (V) |
CPP8 | Oscillator supply voltage (V) |
CPP9 | Sensor characteristics (intrinsic noise) (fT/√Hz) |
CPP10 | AC in the GMI sensor (intensity) (mA) |
CPP11 | AC frequency of the current in the sensor (oscillator frequency) (MHz) |
CPP12 | Sensor size (length) (cm) |
CPP13 | Heterogeneity of sensors (difference in sensitivity) (%) |
CPP14 | Gradiometer baseline (cm) |
CPP15 | Voltage stability (voltage source) (%) |
CPP16 | Signal amplification (circuit) (V/V) |
CPP17 | Superposition of baseline lengths between sensor centers and solenoid axis (solenoid length %) (cm) |
CPP18 | Circuit noise (intrinsic noise) (pT) |
CPP19 | Filter (order) |
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