Open Access

Table 3

Problems submitted to the RIQ-box.

What did you observe? In your opinion, what is the reason of the misconduct or the anomaly you have experienced?
Incorrect use of results of quantification of genes Technique for sample preparation not rigorous
Measurements performed with an equipment whose functioning and tuning is not well known Lack of a qualified person for the use of the equipment
Elimination of some outlier values A better homogeneity of the results
I have observed the selection of data. This is sometimes a bit abusive and serves to support the hypothesis There is an obvious difficulty for everyone to achieve objectivity and break free from prejudice. Moreover, the pressure to publish is an important factor for such abuse.
Various publications reported the use of a device, which was designed and developed by a particular researcher. Students used the device as part of their work and published in papers, without mention of the researcher, who had designed and developed the device. Obligation of the researcher to withdraw a grant proposal (which was based on the previous results of his work) for reasons of conflict of interest.
A researcher has stated that he/she accepted to be jury of the thesis of a student who works on a subject close to that of his own student “just to be able to have information on what our competitors are doing and to be able to publish before them”, and he/she “had doubt about their results” Lack of moral

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