Open Access

Table 3

Regression summary.

Data Descriptions Mathematical expressions
Equation of the line The relationship between the concentration (X) and the response (Y) Y = b0 + b1 × X
Intercept (b0) The value of Y when X equals zero b0 = y − b1 × X
Slope (b1) The slope of the line relate to the relationship between concentration and response
Standard error (b0) (SE intercept) The standard error of the intercept can be used to calculate the required confidence interval
  95% confidence interval
Standard error (b1) (SE slope) The standard error of the slope can be used to calculate the required confidence interval
  95% confidence interval
Coefficient of determination (r2) The square of the correlation coefficient
Correlation coefficient (r) The correlation between the predicted and observed values. This will have a value between 0 and 1; the closer the value is to 1, the better the correlation
Regression SS The regression sum of squares is the variability in the response that is accounted for by the regression line SS total − ∑(Xi)2
Residual SS (the error sum of squares) The residual sum of squares is the variability about the regression line (the amount of uncertainty that remains) SS total − SS regression
Total SS The total sum of squares is the total amount of variability in the response ∑(Yi− Y)2

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