Open Access
Table 11
Impacts of characteristics on uncertainty.
Characteristics | Impacts on uncertainty |
Specificity/selectivity | Effects related to the selectivity and specificity are overall measured when the evaluation of the uncertainty component associated with accuracy. |
Precision | These variances are among the most significant elements for the assessment of uncertainty. |
Linearity, sensitivity | 1st case: If the statistical test shows that the model is linear, no effect on the uncertainty. 2nd case: If the test shows that the model is not linear, then we may either reduce the measurement field or add a component (of non-linearity) in the evaluation of uncertainty. This component can be the maximum deviation to the model. |
Limit of detection | This feature does no effect on the uncertainty assessment; it serves to define the field of use of the method. |
Robustness | For a factor whose change scope is limited to ∓a, then the corresponding uncertainty is: ![]() |
Accuracy | In chemical analysis, it is not applied corrections of accuracy. The goal during the development of the method is to check that there is no significant systematic error. If: ![]() or if: ![]() |
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