Open Access

Table 10

Result of recovery study of cadmium quantification in bivalve molluscs using an atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace method [23].

C Cf Cf − C Ca %Recovery
21.5380 31.8610 10.323 10 103.23
25.5430 33.4810 7.938 10 79.38
16.9935 28.7975 11.804 10 118.04
15.5160 23.6830 8.167 7 116.67
9.8015 16.3830 6.581 5 131.62
      Mean 109.788
      Sd 19.747
      α 0.05
      Tcrit 2.78
      Tobs 12.432

C: concentration before standard additions; Cf: concentration after standard additions; Ca: concentration of standard additions.

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