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NATO Standardized Method for Assessing the Skin Penetration of Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapons
C. Robbe, A. Papy, N. Nsiampa, P. Drapela and C. Bir Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 7(1) (2023)
NATO standardized method for assessing the thoracic impact of Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapons
C. Robbe, A. Papy, N. Nsiampa, P. Drapela and C. Bir Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 7(1) (2023)
Wave Detection and Tracking Within a Rotating Detonation Engine Through Object Detection
Kristyn B. Johnson, Donald H. Ferguson, Andrew C. Nix and Zachary Tallman Journal of Propulsion and Power 39(4) 612 (2023)
Energy balance model to assess the resistance of ballistic protection materials
The Risk of Skin Injury Caused by High-Rate Blunt Impacts to the Human Thorax
D. F. Shedd, P. R. Berthelson, J. A. Rifkin, et al. Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 6(1) (2022)
Effect of an electrolyte (MgSO4) on the boiling flow regime and heat transfer for water at low heat flux and low pressure
Toward a Reference Non-Lethal Projectile to Validate Blunt Trauma Injury Evaluation Models
Cyril Robbe, Alexandre Papy and Nestor Nsiampa Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 3(1) (2019)
Using Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapons to Neutralize Low Small Slow Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Cyril Robbe, Alexandre Papy and Nestor Nsiampa Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 2(1) (2018)
Non-lethal Projectile Characterisation Method: Application to 40-mm SIR-X and Condor NT901 Projectiles
Traceability validation of a high speed short-pulse testing method used in LED production
Elena Revtova, Edgar Moreno Vuelban, Dongsheng Zhao, Jacques Brenkman and Henk Ulden International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 8 30 (2017)
Head injury assessment of non-lethal projectile impacts: A combined experimental/computational method
Dynamic calibration of piezoelectric transducers for ballistic high-pressure measurement
Lamine Elkarous, Cyril Robbe, Marc Pirlot and Jean-Claude Golinval International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering 7(2) 201 (2016)